Privacy Policy

1. Information Collection: PharmD Notes is designed to operate without collecting any personal information from users. We do not request, access, or store any user-provided data, including but not limited to names, email addresses, or phone numbers.

2. No User Registration: You are not required to register or create an account to use PharmD Notes. As a result, we do not have access to any personally identifiable information about you.

3. Anonymous Usage: PharmD Notes operates on a strictly anonymous basis. We do not track or monitor your usage patterns, and we do not employ any analytics tools that would compromise your privacy.

4. Local Storage: Any notes or data created within PharmD Notes are stored locally on your device. We do not transmit or sync this information to external servers. Your data remains under your control.

5. Automatic Updates: PharmD Notes may provide automatic updates through the app store. These updates are designed to enhance functionality and security without requiring any additional user input. No personal information is exchanged during this process.

6. No Third-Party Services: PharmD Notes does not utilize any third-party services that would compromise your privacy. We do not integrate with external APIs or share your data with external platforms.

7. Changes to Privacy Policy: This Privacy Policy may be updated without notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting within the app. Please review this policy periodically to stay informed.
