1. Definitions, development and scope of clinical pharmacy
Introduction to daily activities of a clinical pharmacist
a. Drug therapy monitoring (medication chart review, clinical review, pharmacist interventions)
b. Ward round participation
c. Adverse drug reaction management
d. Drug information and poisons information
e. Medication History
f. Patient counseling
g. Drug utilisation evaluation (DUE) and review (DUR)
h. Quality assurance of clinical pharmacy services
2. Clinical laboratory tests used in the evaluation of disease states and interpretation of test results
a. Haematological, Liver function, Renal funciton, Thyroid function tests
b. Tests associated with cardiac disorders
c. Fluid and electrolyte balance
d. Microbiological culture sensitivity tests
e. Pulmonary Funciton Tests
Drug and Poison information
a. Introduction to drug information resources available
b. Systematic approach in answering DI queries
c. Critical evaluation of drug information and literature
d. Preparation of written and verbal reports
e. Establishing a drug information centre
f.Poisons information-organization and information resources
4. Pharmacovigilance
a. Scope, definition and aims of pharmacovigilance
b. Adverse drug reactions - Classification, mechanism, predisposing factors, casuality assessment [different scales used]
c. Reporting, evaluation, monitoring, preventind and management of ADRs
d. Role of pharmacist in management of ADR
5. Communication skills, including patient counselling techniques, medication history interview, presentation of cases
Pharmaceutical care concepts
Critical evaluation of biomedical literature
Medication errors